We Offer Pediatric Speech and Occupational Therapy Services:
Conditions we treat include but are not limited to:
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Social and Emotional Regulation Difficulties
Developmental Delays
Fine Motor Delays
Coordination Disorders
Visual-Perceptual Deficits
Orthopedic Disorders
Neurological Issues (such as Cerebral Palsy and Brain Injury)
Chromosomal Conditions (such as Down Syndrome)
Feeding Disorders
Hand/Arm Injuries
Attention and Executive Function Disorders
Speech Delays
Articulation Difficulties
Language Delays
Oral Motor Disorders
Swallowing Disorders
Tethered Oral Issues (tongue/lip ties)
Treatment Methods and Techniques:
We employ a variety of treatment methods and techniques, selecting those that best meet your child's needs:
Hand Strengthening
Handwriting Programs
Visual-Perception Training Activities
Visual-Motor games
Sensory Motor Gym equipment
Rock Climbing Wall
Therapy Ball Exercises
Self Care Training/Adaptations
Oral Motor Exercises
Social Skills
Augmentative Communication Device (AAC)
Picture Exchange Communication System
Language and Reading Comprehension
Written and Oral Expression
TOTS trained therapists for the treatment of tethered oral issues

Advanced Technology Programs include:
Interactive Metronome
Fit Light Visual/Athletic Training System